I didn't, and the day has gone relatively smoothly ever since, so I hold out hope that I'm not going to have another terrible workout when I go to swim this evening. I actually had a very nice run yesterday, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was only marred by the fact that I loaned my backup MP3 player to my mom and before doing so I took all the good music (read: music my mom would not listen to in a million years) off of it: Bye bye Eminem, X, Social Distortion, Fort Minor, Green Day. But I had forgotten this fact when I realized my iPod was out of juice and I grabbed my old MP3 player and headed out the door for my run, only to find that there was only violin music on the dang thing. At first, I thought I was somehow stuck in replay of one album, so I pushed buttons and selected menus for the first 8 or 10 minutes of my run. Then it sunk in that I had actually removed all of my rockin running tunes, and this is what I was left with. For my long run. And now I was too far to go back to the house, and my iPod had no battery left anyways.
But other than that, I had a nice run. Actually, looking on the bright side, the mellower music helped me keep from over-amping my long run and I ended up with a nice mellow 9:40 pace. Sometimes if you just roll with the rhythm of the day, it all comes out just fine. That's what I'm hoping anyways, since my breakfast went up in flames, my cat is giving me the evil eye for being out all night, and my ankle feels like mischievous elves with small mallets have been working it over. Oh well, onwards.
You've got pretty cool taste in music compared to most moms I know.
Looks like it's time to splurge on a new toaster.
Oh boy, I know that "pet accident in the bed thing" too well. Glad you were able to get your day back on track - and loved hearing about your music choices. My "excercise" playlist is quite the unusual mix - from mellow to not so mellow!
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