In my unceasing quest to find a good rationale to buy this bike:
No. Wait. Not just this BIKE. This amazing piece of road gorgeousness that would rock my whole triathlon-loving world...
In my unceasing quest to find a rationale that would sway hubby's cold, frugal heart, I hit upon the perfect argument. So I laid it on him when he came home from work last night.
(Me, sidling up to him with sweet smile): Hey honey, you know how a lot of guys buy their middle-aged wives boob jobs and tummy tucks and liposuction and face lifts and all that?
Him (not really paying attention): Umm. yeah.
Me: Well, that costs easily like $10,000 or more, right?
Him (becoming wary of where this conversation is headed): Um. Yeah.
Me: Well, that amazing Blue bicycle that I wanted would be less than that! And it would do just as good a job of keeping me looking amazing as any of that nasty surgery stuff.
Him (not even fazed by this argument): You already have terrific looking legs. That's why I married you. I don't think this bike will make them look any better than they already do.
Sigh. Foiled again. Back to the drawing board.
You should be pleased that he's not that easy to trick. :)
Good try...I have used this: "I can use all of cigarette money for this year to buy this bike."
Doesn't work that well either but ...
Some things are just worth finding a way for ..
Hmm. Tough one...very smart could always say "I'll let myself go if I don't get that bike"...but he'll be on to that too, no way you'd let that happen....good luck with a creative solution :)
you should have replied 'hell yeah'
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