Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Swimming in Sunshine

For those of you in southern climates, you might not understand how precious our last few outdoor swims are to us northwesterners. At any moment, the clouds could roll in and we won't see the sun for oh, five months or so. So it's imperative that when we have a sunny day in October, we head to the pool. Yesterday I got a wonderful 3000 yards in for no reason whatsoever. I didn't do any drills, any sprints, just some distance sets, some strokes, and whatever else I felt like doing. Like my run this week, it was a swim for the heck of it. Can you tell I'm enjoying my unstructured training time?

Best of all? I'm still getting a tan.


cherelli said...

My legs are so highly reflective people need sunglasses around me - even after being out in the sun when I can! Nice way to enjoy the last few weeks of outdoor warmth for you...

Robin said...

Well, I have to admit that I use tan-in-a-bottle whenever I get too pale. My excuse: I have to go to work in a swimming suit!