Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bored In the Pool? Try These Workouts

I have to admit it: I'm allergic to being bored in the pool. Every summer after coming in from fabulous months of swimming in blue lakes under an open sky, I look at that 25 yard length of enclosed water and shudder. So I have to get really creative with my fall swim workouts so that I don't go absolutely bat-shit crazy in my first month or two swimming indoors.

Here's a couple of my recent Masters Workouts to get you back into the swing of indoor swimming. Both of these will kick your butt if you do them right (go HARD when it says Hard, go DISTANCE PACE instead of Easy when it says Distance Pace):


300 Swim
100 Kick Fly, 100 Pull
100 Kick Back, 100 Pull
100 Kick Breaststroke, 100 Pull
100 Kick Flutter, 100 Pull


4 x 225 @ 3:30:      Odds: Straight @ Distance Pace
                               Evens: Break at 150 for 10 seconds, go hard on the final 75

6 x 125 @ 2:00       Odds: Straight @ Distance Pace
                                Evens: Break at 75 for 10 seconds, go hard on final 50

8 x 75 @ 1:15         Odds: Straight @ Distance Pace
                                Evens: Break at 50 for 5 seconds, go hard on final 25

200 Pull
100 EZ

TOTAL: 4150 Yards


300 Swim
300 Drill/Swim/Kick by 25s
200 Pull
200 Drill/Swim/Kick by 25s


3 x ( 4 x 100:  
        #1:  25 Fast/75 Distance Pace (DP) rest :30
        #2:  50 Fast/50 DP r. :30
        #3: 75 Fast/ 25 DP r. :30
        #4: 100 Fast, r. :60

3 x ( 3 x 100:
        #1: 25 Fly, 50 Free, 25 Back r. :30
        #2: 25 Back, 50 Free, 25 Breast r. :30
        #3: 25 Breast, 50 Free, 25 Fly, r. :60

3 x ( 2 x 100:
       #1: 25 Kick Hard, 50 Distance Pace, 25 Kick hard on back, r. :30
       #2: Build 0by 25s to ALL OUT r. :60

3 x 100: #1 SLOW, #2: MEDIUM, #3: FAST  @ 2:00

200 EZ

4200 Yards

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