Asa, my 9 year old is training for her first 5k, so today we went out for our first training run together. I have to say, it was bitterly cold and I was underdressed for jogging at her pace, but we had a great time. She ran/walked 1.6 miles, running three blocks and then walking one and repeating that for the whole distance. I think that's great for a first outing, this girl is a goer for sure!
When we got home, we mapped the route together on Mapmyrun.com, and then entered it into her training log. Boy does she feel like a big girl athlete now, I even put quick ties on her shoes. I'm looking forward to more runs together. This is one of the greatest things about being an athlete mom, passing on the gift, the love of the sport to your kids.
Your post made me smile. You should write a book for parents on how to incorporate exercise into your child's life in a healthy, natural and fun way. Wishing Asa more great training experiences as she prepares for her first 5K!
Good for you! I've been trying to attain the goal of brining my boys to the gym to train with me at least twice a week. The holidays and homework have gotten in the way recently.
Robin ~ Do you have Girls on the Run in your area? It's for 8-10yr olds (3rd-5th grade age), and uses running as the basis also for a curriculum in healthy living.
I just looked up Girls on the Run, it looks really cool! There's no chapters in our city, which is unfortunate for the running capitol of the country!
TriGirl, thanks!!!!
I am in the process of writing a book which will touch on that subject. Cross your fingers that it sees the light of a printing press.
I love it :)
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