Yes, I've been informed that it's Delurking Day (or else it was yesterday or the day before and I'm a few days behind, but no matter). When I look at the blog stats, I'm always completely amazed that not only A) Someone besides my family reads this thing, and B) That the world really is a small place. So out with you, who are you readers in Mexico and Mauritius, Singapore and South Africa, the U.K. and of course all over the U.S. ??
If you've never commented here before, today is a perfect time to say hi!
Hi Robin, I posted once on ypur blog, but read all your updates, dont know if I am a real lurker since I follow your blog. Anyways, Hi from central Ohio.
Scott from Tri-Diesel
Ok, Ok, I'm here listening...I'm an Aussie, but I live in Canada. I like reading and occasionally trying some of your swim sets (nope haven't got around to the most recent one). Also I seem to have developed a fascination reading blogs of women with kids as I'm thinking of having my own soon and like to know that with a bit of work, juggling and prioritising everyone in the family gets their turn - including Mum!! Thanks for the interesting posts.
Great, welcome Cherelli! I'm glad to hear that the swim sets are useful and thinking about motherhood - how cool! What an adventure that is, LOL. And Scott, nice to see you and congrats on your new bike, looks sweet.
I've always wanted to know when Delurking Day is. Now, thank goodness I can breathe easy again!
Hey! I commented once before, but read your posts quite a bit. I'm feeling itchy to be out training right now, but have been taking it easy during my pregnancy. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get my body back. Your blog gives me hope that I can be a mom and a triathlete at the same time.
Hey, I'm a secret (not so anymore!) admirer of yours! My kids are about a decade older than yours, and I wish I'd had the fortitude and foresight to raise them the way you're doing with your family. I'm a long course triathlete(signed up for IMs 18 and 19 this year), still trying to get it right! I don't have a favorite TV show---your blog is my reality show of choice (and i say that with sincere respect)...oh, and by the way, I'm in OK (unfortunately the reddest state in the nation).
Hi Lisa, wow IMs 18 and 19, how cool is that! I am completely impressed. Would love to hear any tips you've picked up in your many experiences sometime before I tackle number 2.
Something not many folks know about me: I was born in Oklahoma City. My dad was posted there in the FBI. So from one Okie to another: hi!
Openheart: Congratulations, such an exciting time for you! I do remember having so many doubts and worries during pregnancy about what life would be like, even as I looked forward to meeting our baby. It can be a bit scary to face that unknown.
I'm enjoying reading your blogs, especially your theological one. Thanks for posting on delurking day!
Hi Robin--I have all your blogs in my reader. I think you're really cool and an amazing mom.
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