Thursday, May 26, 2011

And There Was Much Rejoicing

The ancient peoples had ceremonies to mark the turning of the season:  celebrations of spring planting, the solstice, the harvest festivals.

For me, the season turns on one day: the day the outdoor pool opens. Despite yesterday's rainstorms, today was all sunshine as the long course (50 meter) lap lanes beckoned. I jumped on my bike and rolled out of the driveway at 6:50 a.m. and was sitting in the outdoor hot tub "warming up" by 7:15. By 7:30 I had 50 meters of glorious lap lane all to myself.

When the lifeguards came around to tell us the lap swimming was over at 8:30, I was reluctant to leave my lane, I was having so much fun.I was picturing them with one of those Vaudeville Stage Hooks, dragging me out of my lane.

So in case you want to share in the fun, here's my first long course workout of the season:

Warmup: 200 Each SKPDS (swim, kick, drill, pull, swim)

10 x 100:   Odds: 50 of Catchup Drill, 50 Swim focusing on glide and distance per stroke
                   Evens: Fast Distance Pace

6 x 250:  #1 Slow, #2 Medium,#3  Fast, #4 Slow, #5 Medium, #6 Fast  on the 4:20 interval

4 x 100 1st 50 stroke (other than crawl)

200 EZ

4100 long course meters

1 comment:

x said...

I am doing the 4000 at haag june 5th

I am pretty sure I cannot churn it out in an hour... but I may use this workout tomorrow morning to go the distance so to speak.