Tuesday, August 07, 2007

You Go (Seven Year Old) Girl!

Along with me doing a triathlon last weekend, our daughter did her first tri as well! It was a 50 y swim, 3 mile bike, and a 1 mile run and she was great!!

That's her coming out of the water in the pink top. By the way, she has the best natural swim stroke - like a chip off the old block I tell ya'... She swam 250 yards in the pool the first time she ever went lap swimming with me (which was a few weeks before the triathlon) and no swim lessons either! Of course, the kids' triathlon was more of a dash through the water than anything...

Transition time. You go girl!

Crossing the finish line with my exhausted and sweaty hubby behind her - he ran with her the whole way, even while she biked, so she could feel safe (the bike course went out on the roads.) She had a great time and wants to train for another one next year!


Vicki said...

Go A!!! She's amazing!

hak said...

Wow! Very cool! Give her a big hug from the rest of us.

My 10-year-old daughter will be going for her first tri next month. The other day she woke me up at the crack of dawn so we could go on a training ride together. While I admire her motivation, there are just some weekends that daddy's need to sleep in past 6 a.m.! But, of course, I saddled up and away we went.


TriGirl 40 said...

Wonderful pictures - I believe I see another future Nationals qualifier in the making.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

That is the coolest thing ever! Yeah her! (and yeah you!) I bet that will keep you going a long time.

DV said...

way to go!!!